Update 1.5 isn’t even out and we’re talking about 1.5.5???
Because two of the changes in 1.5.5 impact Kingdoms, we wanted to make sure everyone had plenty of notice about the changes.
We will be following up with the deets on Update 1.5 – Dragons of Light tomorrow and the rest of 1.5.5 closer to its release (towards the end of January)!

(Image may not be final)
This has been on our quality of life list for a while now.
We had Kingdoms bending over backwards to make sure as many people as possible had the opportunity to fight the boss and earn rewards. It was actually really positive to see players taking such a collaborative approach to Kingdom Defense. However, as nice as this was to see, we also recognise this wasn’t exactly the most fun way to be playing.
With 1.5.5 we are introducing Overkill!
- The Kingdom Defense event will now continue for its full duration, and not end immediately upon the boss dying
- The boss’s health continues to count down in battle as the Kingdom deals damage to it. However, the boss will always start with at least enough health to match the damage required for Gold rewards so everyone in the Kingdom will be given the opportunity to attempt to achieve Gold.
- The health bar in the various Kingdom Defense UI screens will count up with damage done, instead of counting down with remaining health.
- As before, rewards will be sent out at the end of the event
- You can review the rewards for both success and failure on the Kingdom Defense Rewards screen
- Pressing the ? button on the rewards screen will toggle between success and fail rewards
You must be in the Kingdom as the Kingdom Defense Event begins in order to participate and claim rewards.

We are making some changes to the Kingdom Bazaars. This is partially to help line up areas such as the Kingdom Bazaar with other areas of the game, such as Quest Pass.
However, we also needed to make some changes to balance the economy of the game.
We know that you’re all aware that as a free-to-play game we have to carefully balance our in-game economy and that it’s important to us that we’re making sure things are accessible to our players while also making sure we keep on top of inflation and deflation of resources inside the game.
Unfortunately we didn’t foresee prior to the release of the Bazaar in its current format quite the number of Gems that would be obtained via the rewards. The current number is over and above anything else available within the game, including via our premium passes.
We are sure that you folks in our community are aware that this is fairly unsustainable in its present form, however, we also wouldn’t want to change the structure of the Bazaar rewards without time for your Kingdoms to adjust and finish out whatever track you’re currently on.
As such, the following changes will not apply until the next Quest Pass reset after the release of 1.5.5
- The Kingdom Bazaar Reward Tiers will be brought in-line with the Quest Pass resets
- Bazaar Reward Tiers will reset when the Quest Pass resets every 28 days
- Purchases will still count towards increasing your Tier
- Each Tier Reward can only be collected once per 28 day cycle
- Bazaar purchases available will not reset to a lower tier
- E.g. Your Kingdom gets to Bazaar Reward Tier 10 by the end of the 28 days. On the first day of the new Bazaar cycle, your Reward Tier will be reset, but the available purchases will stay at Tier 10.
As before:
- You will need to have joined a Kingdom prior to Daily Reset (GMT 00:00) in order to purchase from the Bazaar and earn rewards for that day
- You can only progress one Bazaar Tier per day
Reward Tiers are changing:
- There will now be 28 Reward Tiers to match the 28 day reset
- Tiers 21-28 are our “cooldown” Tiers that will be obtainable at the Tier 20 amount
Tier | Purchases | Reward | Amount |
1 | 5 | Gold | 300 |
2 | 10 | Random Shards | 60 |
3 | 15 | Gems | 50 |
4 | 20 | Ore | 100 |
5 | 25 | Gold | 750 |
6 | 30 | Random Shards | 120 |
7 | 35 | Gems | 100 |
8 | 40 | Relic Tier I | 1 |
9 | 45 | Gold | 1500 |
10 | 50 | Random Shards | 240 |
11 | 60 | Gems | 150 |
12 | 70 | Relic Tier II | 1 |
13 | 80 | Gold | 3000 |
14 | 90 | Random Shards | 480 |
15 | 100 | Gems | 300 |
16 | 110 | Crystal | 1 |
17 | 120 | Gold | 5000 |
18 | 130 | Random Shards | 720 |
19 | 140 | Gems | 400 |
20 | 150 | Relic Tier III | 2 |
21 | 150 | Gold | 2000 |
22 | 150 | Random Shards | 480 |
23 | 150 | Gems | 200 |
24 | 150 | Ore | 500 |
25 | 150 | Gold | 2000 |
26 | 150 | Random Shards | 480 |
27 | 150 | Gems | 200 |
28 | 150 | Crystal | 1 |