All dates listed above are 00:00 (GMT/UTC)

Values in bold are affected by the rarity or element of the item.
Generals of the Fallen Order carried a staff to signify their rank.
- When dealing damage of this item’s gem color, there is a 25-40% chance to apply Freeze to the enemy for 4 turns
Now old and tattered, these mantles were once finely embroidered.
- When taking damage, there is a 5% chance to create a mix of 2-5 purple and blue gems.
The skull motif on these gloves signify a Fallen Knight who has seen battle.
- If inflicted with Freeze, gain 25-40% Crit Chance
The intricate metalwork on these pauldrons gives them great durability.
After taking Damage, gain 0.5-2% of Max Armor and Resistance for each skull on the board
Once worn, these sharp rings were painful and difficult to remove.
There is a 2-8% chance each turn to fill one of your blue or purple spells
Though much of the Fallen Armor is broken, these belts have endured well.
Gain 2-5 Speed for each Skull on the board.
Calculated at the beginning of battle based on the number of skulls, but also whenever the board-state changes
Fallen I (2 piece set bonus)
- Freeze the Enemy for 1/2/3/4/5/6 turns when 5 or more skulls are matched
- Gain 5-30% All Elemental Damage Reduction if facing Season 1.4 Fallen Order enemies.
- Freeze the Enemy for 1/2/3/4/5/6 turns when 5 or more skulls are matched
Fallen II (4 piece set bonus)
- 5-30% chance to create a Skull Gem at the start of turn.
Calculated at the beginning of battle based on the number of skulls, but also whenever the board-state changes- Gain 5-30% Melee & Missile Damage Reduction if facing Season 1.4 Fallen Order enemies.
- 5-30% chance to create a Skull Gem at the start of turn.
Fallen III (6 piece set bonus)
- Gain 1-6% Power for each Skull on the board.
- Gain 5-30% Power if facing Season 1.4 Fallen Order enemies.
- Gain 1-6% Power for each Skull on the board.

Available only in the Cache items in the Season shop, this item will drop at Legendary rarity.
Worn by the most powerful commanders of the Fallen Legion, these helms are very finely wrought.
At the start of my turn, there is a 60% chance to upgrade 1/2/3/4 gems’ Tiers by 1.

Values in bold are affected by the rarity or element of the spell.
- Destroy all Skulls and Deal 0.7x Light Damage, and 1-6% chance per skull destroyed to gain a barrier.
- (Level: Damage, Rarity: Chance of Barrier)
- Deal 1.25x Fire Damage and Destroy all Skulls. Boost damage by +1-6% for each skull destroyed.
- (Level: Damage, Rarity: Damage Boost)
- Remove all Skull Gems. Gain 1-6% max armor for each skull removed. Gain 0.5x Resistance.
- (Level: Resistance, Rarity: Armor)
- For each Skull on the board Heal 0.1x Life. Then convert 3-8 Blue Gems to Skulls.
- (Level: Heal, Rarity: Number of Converted Gems)

- Speedy
- PvP Spell: Wyrmstrike (50 Mana)
- Deal 0.8x Fire Damage. Inflict Poison on the enemy for 4 turns
- Poison: Poisoned characters take extra damage each turn
- Speedy
- PvP Spell: Deadly Gaze (65 Mana)
- Deal 1x Poison Damage, + 10% per skull on the board. 10% chance per skull to deal an extra 1x Melee Damage.
- Mighty
- PvP Spell: Command Legion (75 Mana)
- Deal 1x Physical Damage and remove all skulls from the board. Deal +10% extra damage as Ice Damage for each skull removed.
- Cunning
- PvP Spell: Corner Prey (75 Mana)
- Deal 1.25x Dark Damage, and inflict Terror on the enemy for 4 turns.
- Characters inflicted with Terror only receive half the benefits from positive status effects like Barrier and Haste.

A rare sort will always feel at home amongst the Fallen.

A complex ritual with arcane runes and ancient appeals to darkness... Or... Fire?

- Craft new items (See Crafting below)
- Both at random and by specific selection
- Reforge old ones (See Reforge below)
- Change gear attributes and elements of at random or by selection
- If you don’t like the Reforged item, you can always keep the original!

Followers that craft gear now have new options available. Items can now be crafted by selecting certain features such as the gear slot, element type and gear set.
Several Followers have new crafting abilities with future support for Darkhunter for Rune and Scroll crafting.
Eveline Updates
- Removed abilities to exchange relics to specific Tier I, II & III since those type no longer exist
- Removed duration on exchanging, these abilities are now instant
Level 1 – Craft random armor
Level 15 – Craft random armor for a chosen Slot
Level 25 – Craft random armor for a chosen Set
Level 35 – Craft armor for a specific Slot and Set
All these abilities are now instant
Level 1 – Craft a random Accessory
Level 15 – Craft a random Accessory for a chosen Slot
Level 25 – Craft a random Accessory for a chosen Set
Level 35 – Craft an Accessory for a specific Slot and Set
All these abilities are now instant
Level 1 – Craft a random Weapon or Shield
Level 15 – Craft either a random Weapon or a random Shield
Level 25 – Craft a random Weapon or Shield for a specific set
Level 35 – Craft a Weapon or Shield specifically for a chosen Set
All these abilities are now instant

- Any Reforged attributes or elements will be different to what the item currently has. In the case of Attributes, this only applies to the specific slot the attribute is in (i.e the same Attribute may appear in another slot).
- After Reforging an item that has a random component to the result, you may choose whether to keep the original or Reforged item.

Level 40 – Reforge Attributes on Armor
Level 45 – Reforge Element on Armor
Level 50 – Reforge specific Element on Armor
All these abilities are now instant
Level 40 – Reforge Attributes on Accessories
Level 45 – Reforge Element on Accessories
Level 50 – Reforge specific Element on Accessories
All these abilities are now instant
Level 40 – Reforge Attributes on Weapons & Shields
Level 45 – Reforge Element on Weapons & Shields
Level 50 – Reforge specific Element on Weapons & Shields
All these abilities are now instant

With so many different items and resources in the game, it’s really difficult to put together packs for our players that would actually be consistently useful.
So now you can create your own!

Flash offers will now appear allowing players to choose one or more of a given resource such as Runes and Scrolls.

Flash offers will now appear allowing players to choose unlocked item features in order to receive a more tailored item, similar to the new Follower Crafting system!

- Shards have now been collapsed into a single rarity per type, with the following conversion rates:
- Minor 1:1
- Lesser 1:2
- Greater 1:4
- Major 1:8
- Superior 1:12

- Tier I, II & III Relics have been collapsed into a universal Relic type per rarity:
- Rare Relic
- Epic Relic
- Legendary Relic
Tier I, II & III Relics have been collapsed into a universal Relic type per rarity:
Rare Relic
Epic Relic
Legendary Relic
- Guard Relic
- Royal Relic
- Savior Relic
- Dwarven Relic
- Dragonguard Relic
- Firewalker Relic
- Warlord Relic
- Night Relic
- Serpentine Relic
- Jeweled Relic
- Runic Relic
- Esgaard Relic
- Elven Relic
- Bone Relic
- Bloodfang Relic
- Khazdhuli Relic
- Flametree Relic
- Dreamhold Relic

After our launch of Update 1.3 we received a lot of really great feedback from the community on quality of life tweaks we could make that would improve the experience. While we haven’t been able to implement everything just yet, we have made several improvements!

- You can now select Detailed View in the Vault, and whilst in this mode you can toggle whether to show names. The game will remember your choice!
- We have also updated the item borders in the Vault in a way that we hope will better reflect the rarity of the Gear, Spells and Minions!
- We have tinted the color of the ribbon with the Level information to match the item rarity.
- Please let us know what you think of these updated borders. We’re continuing work on making rarity clearer to read.

- New Autoplay options have been added to the Settings Menu allowing the Autoplay to perform specific actions on the Altar Select, and Potion Screens
- Altar Menu: (new default is Enabled) – When Enabled, the Autoplay will now automatically pick an Altar in Dungeons, and continue the battle without any player interaction. When Disabled, the Autoplay will wait until an Altar is selected.
- Potions Menu: (default is Disabled) – When Enabled, the Autoplay will skip the Potion Menu without applying any Potions to your hero, and continue the battle without any player interaction. When Disabled, the Autoplay will now wait for the player to pick what potions they want to use, and once confirmed, the Autoplay will continue battling.
- The hero profile menu now displays the Kingdom name and join date
- Player Gear Score is now shown in Follower Side Quests
- Updated Follower upgrade UI to offer better upgrading options and to more clearly show the effects when leveling the follower.
- You will now not get a Join Kingdom pop-up until Level 10
- Minions now speed up with Food instead of Gems!
- The cost for this is 120 Food per hour remaining.
- The base food cap has increased from 600 to 3000

- Fixed crashes when loading into a battle
- Fixed soft locks in battles caused by big gems being blown up before updating their level
- Abyssal Channel should no longer be able to replace purple gems when creating the red gems portion of the spell
- Brimstone should buff correct masteries
- Fixed Frost Bolt, Ice Storm, and Cold Snap spells using the wrong icons.
- When receiving Kingdom Defense rewards for a failed defense with gold tier rewards earned, the rewards mail showed two silver medals instead of a silver and gold.

- Salvage UI fails to load after dismissing the warning ‘unable to salvage last weapon’ pop up message
- Global Mail with No Rewards still shows Rewards to Collect
- Sound effects delay in sped up battles
- Mass Salvaging Minions doesn’t update the display