Update 3.1: Bones of the First Ones Patch Notes


•   New Gem – Flashbang! Gem
•   New Variant – Sandswept
•   New Legendary – Mirror of the Forgotten
•   New Spells
•   New Minions
•   New Skins
•   Updates to Season and Archive

•  Minions in Versus
•  Introducing: Event Rewards
•   Shop Rework
         ○  New Categories
         ○  Gear Cache


Flashbang! Gem

Matches with Yellow
When matched, explodes, destroying the surrounding gems, and deals 5% of the opponents Max Life as Light Damage.
There is also a 1% chance to Stun them for 1 turn.

Flashbang! Gem will spawn normally when fighting all Gnoll enemies


Sandswept Variant

When a column is matched, create 1-6 Yellow Gems

Number of gems is based on the number of Variant pieces being equipped.


Mirror of the Forgotten

At the start of my turn, there is a -10-20% chance to Blind the enemy for 2 turns.
If the enemy is already blinded, create 1 Flashbang! Gems instead.

The breastplate of Lunthalas the Forgotten, who slew a Dragon Lord almost 4000 years ago.
It was taken by the Dragons as a trophy, when they caught Lunthalas and tore him apart.


110 Yellow Mana
•  Blind the enemy for 2-7 turns. If the enemy is already Blind, deal X Light Damage, and create a Flashbang! Gem.

    ○ Conversion increases with Spell Rarity, Light Damage increases with Spellbook Level;

110 Blue Mana
Deal X Ice damage, and convert 3-8 Yellow Gems to Blue.

    ○ Ice Damage increases with Spellbook Level, Conversion increases with Spell Rarity


Might: 2-30      Speed: 10-195    Cunning: 4-75

    ○ Versus Spell: Polish Shell (50 Yellow Mana)
            Heal X Armor and Resistance

Might: 10-190      Speed: 2-40   Cunning: 4-70

    ○ Versus Spell: Bone Breath (75 Blue Mana)
          Deal X Damage, +10% for each Skull on the board.

“Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!”

We’ve made a few changes to Seasons! Some of these changes will be in update 3.1, while others will be available from 3.1.5 (current target release of June 4th to coincide with the Season).

          •   Changes coming in 3.1:
              ○   When Season Caches drop Gear, they will only drop the Seasonal variant
              ○   You will be able to purchase 50 Ancient Coins for 50 Seasonal Currency in the Season Rewards tab (this does not count towards your weekly Ancient Coin cap)
              ○   Ancient Coins cap in the Archive is moving from 30 per day, to 420 per week

          •   Changes coming in 3.1.5:
              ○   Gold Season Pass holders will be able to choose one gear piece from the Seasonal set at Legendary rarity from the Season Rewards tab
              ○   Platinum Season Pass holders will be able to choose the above, and a gear piece from the Season set at Mythic rarity


We’re giving Minions more to do in Versus!

Currently players get +0.1-5% Power and Vitality in Versus from each equipped Minion.
From 3.1, we’ll be scaling the buffs based on the stat’s number between 1 and 250 and giving them some new debuffs too!


          •   Might

                           ♦   Power and Vitality bonus is now tied to Might instead of the Minion’s Level
                                           ○   Power & Vitality  0.08% per Might (Max: 20%)

          •   Speed

                           ♦   Speed now provides two debuffs targeting Starting Mana and Masteries
                           ♦   Players will be able to reduce enemy starting mana by a %. If they have 2 Minions with max Speed, then the enemy will start the battle with 0 Mana
                           ♦   Speed will also reduce Masteries, potentially strongly reducing Enemy Spell Damage for up to 25% per Minion!
                                           ○   Starting Mana  -0.2% per Speed (Max: 50%)
                                           ○   Enemy Masteries -0.1% per Speed (Max: 25%)

          •   Cunning

                           ♦   Clever little Minions will be using Cunning to reduce Crit Chance and Crit Damage, reducing both based on the stat.
                                           ○   Crit Chance -0.2% per Cunning (Max: 50%)
                                           ○   Crit Damage -1% per Cunning (Max: 250%)


We wanted a way to run longer events with some cool stuff in it, so we made a way!


          •   Event Rewards will appear in our little task menu where you’ll find the Event Calendars
          •   The Rewards tab will show you all the cool stuff you can earn throughout the event!
          •   You’ll redeem special event currency which you can earn in different ways which can include:

                           ♦   Completing Holiday Tasks
                           ♦   Adventure Rewards
                           ♦   Holiday Giveaways
                           ♦   Completing Adventure Battles and Opening Chests (Up to a Daily Cap)

The Event Rewards will run up to 3 days beyond the finish of the event to make sure you have the chance to spend all your currency before Gong eats it!

Your first chance to see Event Rewards in action will be our Summer Festival running from June 17th → 21st July (UTC)!


The game has changed a lot in the past few years, but the Shop hadn’t really.
So, we thought it was well past time to give it a refresh and reorganize to better reflect the game we have now.

The Shop had some issues with categories not necessarily being particularly descriptive, and some items in the shop being difficult to find, so we’ve modernized and reorganized around what you need things for.

Note: To keep things clean and tidy, we hide any categories that don’t currently have anything in them

          •   Featured
              ○   Various deals highlighted from around the Shop

          •   Daily Deals
             ○   More or less as it was before, but organized in a more compact arrangement

          •   Resources
             ○   Resources! This category breaks down into a few subcategories to make it more straightforward to find what you’re looking for:

                           ♦   Basics (Keys, Food, Ore etc)
                           ♦   Shards & Glyphs
                           ♦   Relics, Runes, and Scrolls
                           ♦   Followers & Crafting (Crystals, Dust, Aether, and other Follower related materials)

          •   Collectables
             ○   This is where you’ll find items and other collectables

                           ♦   Gear
                           ♦   Spells
                           ♦   Minions

          •   Cosmetics
             ○   You won’t find this one in the Shop just yet, but we’ve prepped these subcategories!

                           ♦   Skins
                           ♦   Portraits
                           ♦   Frames
                           ♦   Emojis

          •   Currencies
             ○   Same as before. This is where you’ll find your:

                           ♦   Crowns
                           ♦   Gems
                           ♦   Gold

        •   VIP
             ○   No changes here, it just needed a new home!

The Gear Cache is a new way to find Gear! After the Gear Rework, we wanted to provide another way to find Gear directly:
          •   Found in Collectables > Gear
          •   100 Gems to pull a piece of Gear Rare or Above
          •   You are guaranteed to pull a Mythic within 30 pulls from the Gear Cache


•   Added cap to variant gear bonuses to 6 items equipped
•   Barrier and Reflect are now consistent on the damage sources they trigger on.

•   Added Continue button to Adventure menu to match Season and Story
•   Added a Continue button to the end of battles in Adventures so you can skip returning to the map where possible
•   Added Inventory button to end of Adventure battles
•   After a conversation in Adventures, if there is only one possible next step, it will be automatically continued without needing to return to the map (where possible), bringing it more inline with the main story
•   Can now use Loot Tickets even if your Gear Vault is overflowing

•   Battle Pause Menu/Character Stats now expands the text out for Spells, Status Effects and Gear Set Effects, so it should now be more readable for longer descriptions
•   Added a Collect All button to the Goals Tab. When Collect all is pressed, a list of all completed goals will be displayed, along with all the rewards received for collecting all those goals.
•   Holiday event rewards and freebies will now use the full reward menu when needed
•   Pressing back in an Adventure will now close the active node popup instead of just closing the menu

•   Updated the reward display for Gear to show the Quality value, the Quality of the Elemental Mastery, and the Core Stat
•   Updated reward display for basic resources to show the total amount you have
•   Added additional information for how to increase resource caps (if possible), to the tooltips of Gold, Ore and food, if they are currently capped
•   The Resource Cache Possible Items list in Seasons will now sort the percentage chances from highest to lowest, and condenses the list to be more readable.

•  Achievements should now sync on loading the game when swapping between platforms

Heading for Bug Fixes
Sub-Heading for Gameplay

•   Seasonal Dungeon Wealth Altars should now be rewarding Gold correctly
•   Season Dungeons should be assigning enemies randomly again

Sub-heading for Visual Bugs

•   Fixed Season camera not focusing on nodes correctly after completing certain steps
•   Gem of Dreams was incorrectly keeping the Big Gem number from Green Gems
•   Ancient Coin material finder description been corrected

Heading for Known Issues

•   Reward screen Gold bonus not displaying correctly (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   Joining chat while in Party forces “retreat”
•   Purchasing random Spell Pages from Shop can show “Owned Max Spells” warning incorrectly (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   Quickly skipping conversation causes error & soft lock (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   XP Bonus not showing visually in Adventure (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   Upgrade pip missing from Minion list under Gear (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   Gear Filter by number should be removed (Fixed in 3.1.5)
•   Leaving game in background causes black background
•   PQ3 client is causing some devices to overheat (iOS/Android/Xbox Series X) (Improvements have been made in 3.1)