
We’ve reworked the menu into something we reckon is much prettier!
• We haven’t changed the way Citadel points work. Each level you accrue one Upgrade that can be applied to one of several bonuses within a category in the familiar sequence:
○ Offense → Defense → Ice Magic → Poison Magic → Fire Magic → Light Magic → Dark Magic
• What we have changed, is that now when you have multiple Upgrades (if you build up a few points without spending them, or after a Citadel Reset), instead of having to cycle through each category and apply one Upgrade at a time, you will now be able to apply all the Upgrades available to a category at once!
• Example:
○ I am Citadel Level 12 and decide to reset.
○ I have 12 Upgrades to use which are split between the categories
♦ Offense (2)
♦ Defense (2)
♦ Ice Magic (2)
♦ Poison Magic (2)
♦ Fire Magic (2)
♦ Light Magic (1)
♦ Dark Magic (1)

• We’ve added a new Festival Help screen found by hitting the [?] button in the Festival Rewards
• It’ll preview the rewards, tell you the UTC dates, and where to find Bonus Currency throughout the event!

• Increased the XP rewarded from Boss Rush battles

• Skip Completed Conversations is now available for Adventures in the Settings menu

• A Continue button has been added to the Post-Battle Victory screen in Adventures
• A new button will appear when the active node in an Adventure is off-screen. This will recenter the node so you can’t get lost!
• In Adventures using Potions, there will be a button on the map screen allowing you to check your Potion and Essence inventory
• Collection notification icon for Followers is now hidden if the resource they gather is at it’s cap

• Dispel Magic no longer removes Crit Chance debuff from enemy

• Added What’s New button back into Archive Seasons
• Updated a number of enemy portraits in Adventures to be more centered
• Fixed Issue where Mass Salvage and Minion Filter buttons could show with Followers or Goals in the Tavern

• Game should no longer be causing background audio to switch off on iOS
• Minimized crashing on Android devices when showing Character Previews
• Crashes should be significantly reduced Android when using Very Low Graphics Settings
• Mythic Minion now supported in shops and Festival rewards

• Some characters are still missing audio
• Some unique items cannot be refined with +5% Quality
• Northelm side quest unresponsive at conversation step before reward