Character Introduction: Mutiny

July 21, 2021

Role in party: Locksmith   The sea is calm, the sky is clear, and a crisp north wind blesses the horizon. Perfect sailing weather, the kind a seafarer of disrepute can only dream of, if only Mutiny could enjoy it. A good a day as any to die, she thinks to herself. The deck of […]

Update 0.36: Events (Patch Notes)

Greetings, Adventurers! Announcing a big update to Puzzle Quest 3; Update 0.36 (Events). This update unveils a brand new feature: Events! We are excited to share two Events; Daily Sieges and Event Dungeons. We also have a variety of other changes to explore; including an update to the game chat, consolidating Dungeons and Skirmishes into […]

Update 0.35.1 technical patch

July 13, 2021

Bug Fix Update 0.35.1 (Patch Notes) Greetings, adventurers! In preparation for 0.36 we are releasing some bug fixes. There aren’t any big new changes in this update, however, we’ve noticed some of the reports you’ve made and addressed a few issues. Thank you for your hard work ferreting out bugs and letting us know about […]

Dev Blog: Production

July 7, 2021

Games are complex, multi-faceted discipline, and making them can often feel like herding cats. This means every studio can benefit greatly from having an in-house cat wrangler, also known as a Producer, to keep everyone working efficiently and to ensure milestones and deadlines are met. Sorcha stepped into the role of producer for Puzzle Quest […]