Buccaneer’s I (2 piece set bonus)
- At the start of battle, gain Gold Bonus equal to the number of Yellow Gems divided by 6-1 on the board.
- Mercenary: Count Green Gems as well
- Gain 5-30% All Elemental Damage Reduction if facing Season 2.4 enemies.
Buccaneer’s II (4 piece set bonus)
- When taking damage 25-75% chance to spawn a Blue Gem
- Mercenary: Spawn 2 Blue Gems instead of 1
- Gain 5-30% Melee & Missile Damage Reduction if facing Season 2.4 enemies.
Buccaneer’s III (6 piece set bonus)
- If Gold Bonus is above 75%, Gain 5-30% Power.
- Mercenary: Gold Bonus Requirement is 65%
- Gain 5-30% Power if facing Season 2.4 enemies.