• New Twin Gems – Putrid & Fetid Gems
• New Variant – Swamp-Soaked
• New Legendary – Vambraces of the Caged
• New Spells
• New Minions
• New Skins
• New Chat Portraits

Matches with Green
When matched, Poisons the enemy for 1 turn.
At the start of each turn, 50% chance to change into a Fetid Gem
Matches with Yellow- When matched, Diseases the enemy for 1 turn.
- At the start of each turn, 50% chance to change into a Putrid Gem

In Season 3.2, Swamp-Soaked items will be from the Serpentine Set

Swamp-Soaked Variant
At start of turn, 50% chance to convert 1-6 Blue Gems to Green.
Number of Gems is based on the number of Variant pieces being equipped.

Vambraces of the Caged
While under the effect of Negative Status Effects, increase my Power by 2-5% per Negative Status Effect on me
The gloves of Exidran the Caged, who was captured by Dragons 3,000 years ago and locked in cage made of the ribs of the Dragon he slew.

110 Green Mana
• Convert 3-7 Blue Gems to Green. 50-100% chance to Poison the enemy for 4 turns. If they are already Poisoned, Disease them for 4 turns instead.
○ Conversion increases with Spell Rarity, Poison Chance increases with Spellbook Level
105 Yellow Mana
• Disease the Enemy for 1-6 turns. If they are already Diseased, deal X Light Damage instead.
○ Turns Diseased increases with Spell Rarity

• Might: 1-10 Speed: 8-160 Cunning: 7-130
○ Versus Spell: Down to the Depths (75 Green Mana)
Deal X Poison Damage. Increase it by +15% for each Blue Gem on the board.
• Might: 2-45 Speed: 3-55 Cunning: 10-200
○ Versus Spell: Bog Water (55 Yellow Mana)
Disease the Enemy for 4 turns. If they are already Diseased, Heal for X Health

We’ve got 2 brand new node types coming to Adventures near you!
♦ New spots in the Adventure where you can return to harder and harder fights to increase your rewards
○ Endless Dungeons can go over Level 100!
♦ These are locations in the Adventure that evolve under varying conditions to give you benefits throughout your journey
♦ We have added a brand new Upgradeable Node called a “Temple”

♦ Adventures now save the last use camera zoom level and will use this instead of the default zoom when showing the map
♦ Adventure node UI elements now scale down when zooming out so you can see more
♦ Paths between map nodes will now hug the world map terrain and generally be more visually interesting
♦ Adventure navigation pips now use the first step icon of the nodes, instead of pips

We wanted a way to run longer events with some cool stuff in it, so we made a way!
• A new Packs tab can be accessed from the Featured tab of the shop
♦ These are one-off purchases and not repeat subscriptions
• There you will find 3 new premium packs that give rewards based on Hero or Citadel Levels
• You can get the rewards from these packs as your hero and Citadels grow, or you can collect all the rewards after completing some or all of the required progress
• Each Pack has a permanent 5% bonus to XP!
• Available from Hero Level 1
• Resources and items awarded as your highest level Hero goes from Level 1 – 50
• Permanent +5% Experience Bonus
Highest Hero Level | Reward |
1 | 1 Random Rare Item 150 Gold |
2 | 20 Weapon Shard |
3 | 50 Gems |
4 | 1000 Gold |
5 | 50 Weapon Shards 50 Armor Shards 40 Accessory Shards 50 Spell Shards |
6 | 250 Food |
7 | 45 Spell Shards |
8 | 1250 Gold |
9 | 1 Uncommon Scroll |
10 | Choose an Epic Item for a Chosen Slot |
11 | 1 Golden Key |
12 | 20 Spell Pages |
13 | 175 Weapon Shards |
14 | 200 Food |
15 | 400 Spell Shards 250 Gold |
16 | 1 Relic Tier I |
17 | 2 Uncommon Runes |
18 | 350 Ore |
19 | 1 Rare Scroll 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
20 | Choose 3 Follower Crystals |
21 | 75 Gems |
22 | 200 Weapon Shards 250 Armor Shards 250 Accessory Shards |
23 | 1 Relic Tier II |
24 | 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
25 | 100 Aether |
26 | 400 Food |
27 | 1 Auri’s Crystal |
28 | 450 Spell Shards |
29 | 1 Relic Tier II |
30 | 100 Pages of a Chosen Spell |
31 | 1 Rare Scroll 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
32 | 1 Rare Rune |
33 | 350 Ore |
34 | 1250 Spell Dust |
35 | 500 Weapon Shards 500 Armor Shards 500 Accessory Shards 500 Spell Shards |
36 | 50 Aether |
37 | 2 Relic Tier I |
38 | 2 Rare Scrolls 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
39 | 1 Relic Tier II |
40 | 3 Xione’s Crystal 450 Spell Dust |
41 | 250 Food 250 Ore |
42 | 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
43 | 1 Gemka’s Crystal 1 Soulchaser’s Crystal |
44 | 1 Epic Rune |
45 | 1 Random Glyph |
46 | 2 Eveline’s Crystal |
47 | 75 Aether |
48 | 5 Uncommon Scrolls |
49 | 1 Legendary Rune |
50 | Choose a Mythic Item for a Chosen Slot |
• Citadel’s Guardian unlocks when your highest level Hero reaches Level 50
• Resources and items awarded as you level up your Citadel from 1 – 25
• Permanent +5% Experience Bonus
Citadel Level | Reward |
1 | Choose a Glyph |
2 | 1 Relic Tier II |
3 | 50 Aether |
4 | 1 Rare Scroll 2 Uncommon Scrolls |
5 | 1 Random Mythic Item |
6 | 950 Spell Dust |
7 | 3 Rare Scrolls |
8 | 1 Rare Rune 2 Uncommon Runes |
9 | Relic Tier III |
10 | Choose a Legendary Item for a Chosen Slot |
11 | 1 Xione’s Crystal 1 Toragon’s Crystal 1 Soulchaser’s Crystal 1 Gemka’s Crystal |
12 | 5 Uncommon Scrolls |
13 | 225 Random Spell Pages |
14 | 2 Ruby Keys |
15 | Choose 2 Legendary Scrolls |
16 | 1 Diamond Key |
17 | 2259 Spell Dust |
18 | 2 Rare Runes 3 Uncommon Runes |
19 | 1 Random Glyph |
20 | 450 Pages for a Chosen Spell |
21 | 3 Random Follower Crystals |
22 | 2 Rare Scroll 3 Uncommon Scrolls |
23 | 250 Gems |
24 | 250 Aether |
25 | Choose 3 Glyphs |
• Citadel’s Champion unlocks when your highest level Hero reaches Level 50
• Resources and items awarded as you level up your Citadel from 26 – 50
• Permanent +5% Experience Bonus
Citadel Level | Reward |
1 | 1 Random Exalted Mythic Item |
2 | 1250 Spell Dust |
3 | 5 Uncommon Scrolls |
4 | 2 Xione’s Crystals |
5 | Choose 2 Tier IV Relics |
6 | 1 Random Legendary Item |
7 | 2 Relic Tier III |
8 | 150 Aether |
9 | 500 Gems |
10 | 2 Weapon Glyphs 2 Armor Glyphs 2 Accessory Glyphs |
11 | 250 Spell Pages |
12 | 3 Rare Runes 5 Uncommon Runes |
13 | 4 Random Follower Crystals |
14 | 2 Random Legendary Scrolls 3 Random Epic Scrolls |
15 | Choose a Mythic Item for chosen Slot & Element |
16 | 2 Legendary Runes 3 Epic Runes |
17 | 2 Spell Glyphs |
18 | 1750 Spell Dust |
19 | 1 Random Mythic Item |
20 | Choose a Legendary Item for chosen Set, Slot, & Element) |
21 | 2 Random Glyphs |
22 | Random Tier IV Relics |
23 | 350 Aether |
24 | Choose 5 Follower Crystals |
25 | 1 Random Immortal Mythic Item |
• Citadel level points are not required to be spent in order to claim rewards from Citadel Level
• The experience bonuses from each pack stack!
• You cannot miss any rewards from a pack. For example- If you purchase Pathfinder’s Way when your Hero is Level 17, you will be able to immediately collect all the rewards from Level 1 to 17. If you purchase Citadel’s Champion after you’ve already progressed your Citadel beyond Level 50, you will be able to immediately collect all the rewards in the pack.
• If you own a pack, and it has not had all of its rewards collected, it will appear on the main menu
♦ Only one pack at a time will appear, prioritizing (in this order): Pathfinder’s Way, Citadel’s Guardian, Citadel’s Champion

• New Achievements
○ The Dark Court – Complete all Chapters of the Story in Season 3.2
○ Citadel’s Champion – Reach Citadel Level 50
• Loadout Sharing
○ There’s a new Loadout Share screen that lets players take a screenshot of their loadout, which gets saved on their device!
♦ This is accessed from the Inventory screen via the Share button, then the Camera button on the Loadout Share screen

• Updated instances of Speed Debuff to use the starting Speed value.
○ Arachnitaur (Web Shot)
○ Centaur (Ensnare)

• When a buff to Damage is received, it will now pop up with text and appear as a status effect icon.
○ This is mainly obvious when a Red Gem is destroyed by Grimwing’s Scavenger Bird passive ability

• Paths on the World Map now match the terrain (where applicable)

• When receiving a Spell in the Rewards list, an Upgrade button will now be shown if you have enough resources to upgrade it
• Added the event’s currency name to the help text about the daily cap earned through battles and chests on the Rewards tab of any special events (i.e Summer Festival)
• Removed the second confirmation box after refining the Element on an item.
• Adjusted the help text through the Craft Item menus to be more clear
○ Updated help text around selecting a specific item counting as two choices
○ Help text is now displayed instead of a button when selecting a specific item if not enough choices are available
• Quest Pass display on the main menu now cycles between the free and premium reward (if premium is owned)
• Out of Stock products in an event’s Reward tab will now remain on screen in order to maintain the positions of items in the tab
• If a reward of a Mythic item is guaranteed to be a Divine/Sacred/Exalted/Immortal Mythic, it will now display as that quality name (i.e Random Sacred Mythic Item if the item is guaranteed to be Sacred)
• Added callouts for Seasonal Gear offers in the Gold & Platinum season pass info menu

• Xione will now only craft spells that are available for the active hero class when using the following crafting options:
○ Create Random Spell Pages
○ Create Spell Pages of a Chosen Color
○ Create More Random Spell Pages
○ Create More Spell Pages of a Chosen Color

• Fixed purchased Energy in Adventures not being shared between different difficulties
• Fixed Adventures displaying progress from previous events causing them to be unplayable
• Fixed Spell Rush not working correctly in Events
• Fixed Minion PVP mana debuff not having an effect on several types of Starting Mana bonuses
• Disease now takes other Status Effect modifiers into account (such as Wither) when applied on the Enemy
• Fixed instances of dealing double damage to Resistance not actually dealing double damage.
○ Affects:
♦ Stonefeather (Stone Eggs)
♦ Landshark (Anchor Toss)
♦ Eldritch Anchor (Anchor Hurl)
• Stun will now properly zero-out any Block defense bonuses while active
• Updated status effect counting functionality to be more consistent and only count status effects. (Before it had included stat debuffs as well.)
○ Affects:
♦ Dreamhold 4-piece & 6-piece set effect
♦ Dreamhold Mirror
♦ Ogre Mage (Curse Eater)
♦ Oberon’s Avatar (Laird of Moss)
♦ Spell: Den of Nightmares
♦ Spell: Harvest Nightmares
♦ Spell: Nightmare Explosion
• Fixed Elite Damage Protection not affecting Spell Damage
• Damage bonus from Dreamhold III set was not applied correctly
• Fixed Big III Flashbang Gems sometimes being created by the Savior’s Helm when fighting Gnoll enemies
• Fixed Landshark’s Rough Skin passive so that it no longer deals lethal Reflect damage
• Fixed Achievements from a category not being counted in the number of Achievements when all Goals are complete in that category
• Fixed Minions’ rest period not being able to be skipped with food

• Fixed Hero creeping from behind the Gem board in Season Archive battles
• Fog no longer affects the display of larger enemies in the bestiary
• Jocea’s hair should now be less static
• Added missing effects on Sandswept variant weapon
• Transition effects on Xione’s crafting options no longer play unless you’re actually selecting something

• Added ‘Wrong Hero’ prompts to start of Adventure node interactions to avoid getting Wrong Hero error after starting a battle
• Fixed spell page rewards in Quest Pass not triggering the full screen rewards menu
• [Steam] Fixed issue where controller icons would not match controller used (for PlayStation or Xbox controllers)
• Text relating to a potential item’s element would be unreadable when crafting the item
• Spells have had a pass on their descriptions so that instances similar to “Deal X damage as <Element>” will instead read “Deal X <Element> Damage” for consistency.
• Craft Item filter no longer interferes with Vault Filter and vice versa
• Updated background on 3.1 Enemies to match the Season 3.1 background
○ Affects:
♦ Sandwalker
♦ Giant Scarab
♦ Crocolisk
♦ The Dunestalker
♦ Sand Wraith
♦ Skelegor
♦ Ancestral Dragon
• Refine Adventurer’s Guide button is now accessible when Refine is locked
• Fixed buffs to Damage not displaying correctly in the character stats list
• Fixed Minion art being in front of the Minion level when selecting a Minion for a chest

• Fixed issue where items without Gear Sets could not be Refined
○ e.g:
♦ Lucky Clover Ring
♦ Flame Ring
♦ Shield of the Deep
• Corrected amount of mana lost by Disease in some help text for Spells.
• Added missing audio for some newer characters.
○ Affects:
♦ Fire Djinn
♦ Mutant Arboleth
♦ Crocolisk
♦ The Dunestalker
♦ Sand Wraith
♦ Skelegor
♦ Ancestral Dragon
♦ Emberwing
♦ Gulyphon

• Some characters are still missing audio
• Changing difficulty in an Adventure clears Adventure-specific currencies